Woman says that having a stroke and becoming paralyzed from the waist down is the best thing that has ever happened to her

“Ihad a stroke, I was paralyzed, they told me I would never walk again and my husband I had lived with for 14 years left me after 5 days.”

Now she thinks paralysis is the best thing that has ever happened to her.

What she did after the divorce is a unique case.

A one point in her life, this mother of two suffered a stoke which left her paralyzed from the waist down. Chances that she could ever walk again were poor, but doctors believed that over time, she could again stand on her feet with the help of exercises and a strong will.

Sadly, her husband wasn’t willing to support her during the process. Instead, he decided to leave her for good.

Riona started therapy with Keith, a personal assistant who was about to help her get her old life back.

The two spent much time together, and eventually fell in love with each other. Her determination to get on her feet again and to never give up inspired Keith.

He was there for her through her tough times and helped her overcome them.

Eventually, she recovered and the two are still together. Her kids love Keith and they even refer to him as to their dad.

Not even in her wildest dreams did this woman believe that a tragedy could lead to finding the love of her life.

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