Why Intelligent People Prefer To Socialize Less

A study revealed that intelligent people prefer to be alone, tend to have fewer friends and they choose to be less social than those who scored less on the intelligence scale.

Interestingly, they seemed to be fully content and in sync with secluded lifestyle.

-Do you imagine yourself living alone? In that imagination, are you happy and -complete in yourself?

-Do you feel that the rhetoric of society that makes us feel that we need other people is useless?

-Do you ever want to live like a hermit?

-Would you prefer the silence of the countryside to the noisy hustle and bustle of the city?

-Would you prefer spending your time reading a book rather than going to a crazy noisy party?

If this sounds anything like you, I think you have less reasons to worry now…

Quality of socialization matters:

The study works on the premise that people are happier when they live in less densely populated areas. Thus, the happiness quotient increases as soon as the population of people around you decreases. Also, happiness increases when interaction decreases.

According to a recent study, the genius amongst us find it extremely hard to associate and socialize with other people. It is not because they are anti-social but it is actually because they do not get any satisfaction out of social engagements as they deem these engagements to be petty and puerile. They are unable to adjust to the pressure of such social interactions and hence dismiss them.

According to renowned psychologists, intelligent people prefer quality over quantity when it comes to socializing. So, they are happier when they communicate with their close friends and family, rather than with strangers, co-workers, distant relatives, or colleagues.

Focus on Goals:

By limiting human interaction, the genius and the highly intelligent people choose to be in their own caves. They do not go through the turmoil of pleasing other people and are thus happier living their own life. This gives them more time to spend and to work on themselves. The time that they get works as a blessing for them as it makes them even better than before.

According to Carol Graham, who studies the economics of happiness, people with more intelligence and the capacity to use it spend less time socializing because they are focused on some other longer-term objective.

Intelligent people are less social because they are more focused on their life goals. They also remain happier because of the fact that they are unaffected by whether they are judged by others or not.

Moreover, highly intelligent people have mastered the art of solitude. While most of us find it extremely hard to live alone and our lives go haywire as soon as we lose the precious internet connection, intelligent people, on the other hand, can manage on their own. They actually prefer life without all the things that they consider unnecessary distractions.

So, the next time someone asks you why you deny social engagement and people tell you that you will die alone with your cats, don’t hesitate to tell them that your life is richer and fuller the way it is. Don’t you ever be shy of choosing your happiness over social engagements! EVER!

That said, not all the people who choose to be alone and act weird are intelligent!

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