Trophy Wife Seduces Her Man’s Bodyguard – Story of the Day

Devoted bodyguard Rex finds himself entangled in the web of Scarlett, a seductive woman accustomed to getting her way. But when her manipulative tactics backfire, Scarlett faces the grave repercussions of her actions.

The sun blazed down on the luxurious estate, casting a shimmering glow on the poolside.

Scarlett, an alluring woman with golden locks, lounged in a bikini, her figure drawing attention. Surrounded by manicured gardens and towering palms, the estate radiated wealth.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Nearby, Rex, a stoic bodyguard in a tailored black suit, stood, his blue eyes scanning the area with professional intensity.

Scarlett, eyeing Rex, rose and approached him with sensual grace. “Rex,” she purred, “it’s such a shame not to indulge in all this beauty.”

Rex turned, unyielding. “My focus is security, ma’am. I don’t indulge in distractions.”

Scarlett circled him, teasing. “Distractions can be enjoyable, don’t you think?”

“I’m devoted to your and Mr. Cliff’s safety,” Rex replied, unmoved.

Scarlett traced a pattern on his chest with her fingers. “Aren’t you curious about straying from the path, just for a moment?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex caught her hand. “I don’t wonder, ma’am. I know my purpose.”

Suddenly, Cliff, the estate’s master, appeared. Scarlett backed off from Rex.

“Hey, love, bring me an ice pack,” he called out, nursing a tweaked leg. “I’ll be in the bathroom.”

Scarlett, briefly locking eyes with Rex, responded to Cliff, “Of course, darling.”

As Cliff left, Scarlett resumed her seduction. “So, sexy Rexy, do you have any fantasies about scoring the boss’s wife?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex stood firm. “I don’t entertain fantasies, ma’am.”

“You’re tough to crack,” Scarlett chuckled. “But I always get what I want.”

Rex remained stoic. “I am a man of honor, ma’am. You’re a beautiful woman, but I will not be swayed by your allure.”

Frustrated, Scarlett pushed Rex into the pool. “Oops, sorry. Maybe that’ll loosen you up,” she quipped, leaving him simmering with silent anger.

Rex, dripping wet, emerged from the pool, his emotions a turbulent mix as Scarlett disappeared inside.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

In the opulent mansion’s breakfast room the next morning, tension simmered between Cliff and Scarlett. After finishing his coffee, Cliff leaned in for a perfunctory kiss on Scarlett’s cheek, a gesture devoid of warmth.

“Keep an eye on my wife, Rex,” Cliff said to the bodyguard, his tone playful yet threatening. “Happy wife, happy life. Just make sure she stays happy.”

As Cliff left, Scarlett’s eyes flashed with mischief. “We’re alone again, Rex. What shall we do?” she purred, stepping closer to him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex remained professional. “I’m devoted to my duty, ma’am. I won’t betray my boss.”

Scarlett, undeterred, teased him. “You’re just a man, Rex. Men have needs.”

“I don’t indulge my desires, ma’am,” Rex stated, unmoved.

Playful yet frustrated, Scarlett leaned in, her lips near his ear. “I could be the most enjoyable indulgence you’ve ever had.”

“I have a job to do,” Rex insisted, stepping back.

Scarlett’s eyes narrowed, a flicker of frustration in her gaze. She dropped the teaspoon she held at Rex’s feet. “Oops!” she exclaimed, play-acting perfectly. Bending down suggestively, she ever-so-slightly rubbed her behind on Rex’s crotch.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex’s eyes rolled, and his stomach tightened unavoidably in arousal, but he withdrew his sensitive parts from temptation and breathed in deeply.

“Please, ma’am, control yourself. I don’t want to tell you again. This is not appropriate,” Rex said.

Scarlett was furious. In a dramatic ploy, she smeared lipstick across her face and on Rex, threatening, “If you don’t comply, I’ll tell Cliff you assaulted me!”

Rex, visibly shaken, realized the gravity of her threat. “You wouldn’t dare,” he said.

Scarlett tore her negligee near her thigh, fabricating evidence. “Now look what you did! I don’t take rejection lightly!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex, trying to remain calm, warned, “I advise against such behavior, ma’am.”

Scarlett, with a dangerous glint in her eye, issued an ultimatum. “Meet me at 11 p.m. in the master bedroom, or I’ll tell Cliff about your ‘advances.'”

Left alone, Rex grappled with the perilous situation, the mansion’s secrets weighing heavily upon him.

Late afternoon, Rex stealthily entered the grand master bedroom and planted a nanny cam inside a teddy bear.

He carefully positioned the bear, pressed record, and hid in the closet as Scarlett’s voice neared the bedroom door.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

“Oh, Cliff, darling,” Scarlett entered the room, speaking on the phone. “I think I might be coming down with something.”

She lied to her husband about being down with a viral infection and suggested he sleep in the guest bedroom. Cliff, not doubting her intentions, agreed.

“Thank you, babe. Love you,” she chirped, ending the call.

Scarlett was about to leave when she noticed the skeleton keys on the floor. A wave of suspicion washed over her.

She looked around the room suspiciously, and her eyes fell on the teddy bear Rex had positioned. She picked it up, examined it closely, and found the hidden compartment in the bear’s head.

In a rage, she removed the nanny cam and smashed it completely.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

“Rexy,” she whispered, “you have made a big mistake!”

Later, Rex, summoned to Cliff’s side all day, feared the consequences of his actions. Hiding inside the closet, he’d heard Scarlett smashing the cam, and he knew she was onto him now. Little did he know he’d dropped keys in the room.

At 11 p.m., he entered the master bedroom, fearing Scarlett would ruin his career if he didn’t comply with her demands. As he entered, he found Cliff and Scarlett in a domestic scene. Cliff was reading his book while Scarlett, beside him, scrolled through her phone.

“What the hell, Rex? Is something wrong?” Cliff asked, startled. “How can you just barge in like that?”

“Oh, darling, it must be about the keys!” Scarlett replied quickly, retrieving the bunch from her table.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex played along. “Yes, sir. I apologize for the intrusion. I just came to get the keys.”

“Your keys?” Cliff asked, confused. “Why would they be in our bedroom?”

“I found them on the floor earlier,” Scarlett responded, masking her deceit. “I assumed Rex must have accidentally dropped them.”

“Yes, sir. I dropped the keys earlier while doing my usual rounds, ensuring every room was secure. I apologize for the disturbance.”

Cliff sighed, his annoyance evident. “Rex, you need to knock before entering our bedroom. This isn’t acceptable.”

“I understand, sir. It won’t happen again,” Rex said and left with the keys.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The sun shone on the massive estate again the next morning. Scarlett entered the kitchen and saw a man in a suit preparing coffee, his back facing her. She slapped his backside, only to be shocked when he turned around.

“Who are you?” Scarlett demanded, realizing she’d mistaken him for Rex.

“Jason, taking over from Rex,” he replied smoothly.

Scarlett was taken aback. “Rex quit?”

“Yes, he’s packing now,” Jason confirmed.

Scarlett, realizing her leverage over Rex was gone, confronted Jason. “What makes you think you can replace Rex?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

“I’m just as capable, if not more,” Jason said confidently.

Scarlett, sensing something unsettling about him, tested his boundaries. “And are you willing to bend the rules?”

Jason, momentarily thrown off, recovered. “I’m a professional. I’ll do as I’m told by you or your husband.”

Jason then suggested, “But…with Rex gone, maybe we could have some fun.”

“Don’t play games with me!” Scarlett retorted.

“I’m not here to play games, Mrs,” Jason replied, his demeanor hardening.

“Whatever! You’re out of my league!” She rolled her eyes at him and stormed off.


In his room, Scarlett confronted Rex as he packed his belongings. “You can’t leave, Rex. Remember our deal? I might just have to tell Cliff about your aggressive advance on me,” she threatened.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

“I’m leaving, Scarlett,” Rex replied. “I don’t care.”

“Oh really?” Scarlett fumed. “Before smashing the camera, I took the memory card. How would you like me to add that to the list of charges against you? What do you think he’ll do if Cliff finds out his bodyguard was secretly trying to film his bedroom antics? I’m sure nobody will hire you once you’re fired like that!”

“Don’t do this,” Rex pleaded with her. “I’ll do anything you want.”

“Be my lover, right here, right now!” she ordered, and reluctantly, Rex agreed.

“I just have one question,” he said as she got too close. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I always get what I want. I married Cliff for his money. And when he dies, I’ll inherit it all.”

Rex smiled. “Did you get all of that, sir?” he called out.

Cliff emerged from the closet.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

“We’re done, Scarlett. I’m divorcing you, and you won’t get a cent!” he announced.

Scarlett, though nervous, tried to maintain her composure. “You can’t just cast me aside. I’ve given you everything you need. And besides, where are you going to find a body as hot as this again?”

“You betrayed me, Scarlett! And I won’t stand for your attempts to seduce and frame Rex.”

“And I’ll find another wealthy man to fight you in the divorce,” Scarlett threatened him.

Cliff scoffed. “All the wealthy men in town are my allies. You can’t escape my influence.”

“You can’t control everything. I’ll find someone.”

“Be careful, Scarlett,” Cliff warned. “The next man you try and fool may not be as forgiving as I am. They are likely to mete out a far greater punishment than mere banishment and divorce.”

Scarlett, realizing the implicit threat, recoiled fearfully. “You can’t intimidate me, Cliff. I won’t be held hostage by your control,” she said.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

“It’s not intimidation, Scarlett,” Cliff said calmly. “It’s a simple fact. You chose this path, and you’ll have to face the consequences.”

Scarlett, defeated, turned and left the room in disgrace.

Cliff took a deep breath and exhaled. He turned to Rex, who had silently observed the confrontation with some satisfaction.

“Rex, thank you,” Cliff said genuinely. “You did the right thing, and I appreciate your loyalty.”

Rex nodded. “It was the only option, sir. Loyalty is the foundation of my job.”

Cliff stepped forward and embraced Rex, a gesture of gratitude and relief. “You’re more than just an employee, Rex. You’re a friend, and I won’t forget what you’ve done for me.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Rex, humbled by the words, replied, “Thank you, sir. I just wanted to ensure that the truth came to light.”

Cliff pulled away, his eyes meeting Rex’s with renewed trust. “From now on, you’re not just my bodyguard. You’re the head of my security detail. You’ve earned it, Rex.”

A smile broke across Rex’s face. “I won’t let you down, Boss,” he said.

In a final show of appreciation, Cliff continued, “And along with the promotion, you’ll receive a significant pay rise. Consider it a token of my gratitude.”

Rex nodded. “I appreciate that, sir. I’ll always ensure the estate’s security is my top priority.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

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