St. Peter Learns Something Unexpected When Doing A Census

It’s always a good idea to keep your eye on things and make sure that nothing is getting out of hand.

Sometimes, even a little mistake can throw us off balance, and before we know it, we are struggling to gte back on track again.

That is what happened when St. Peter found a big mistake after doing a census.

He wanted to make things right, but after some negotiation, he found out things weren’t going to be as easy as he thought. Enjoy the joke.

St. Peter conducts a census in heaven and realizes someone is missing.

So he goes to the computer and realizes an engineer accidentally landed in hell.

He gets on the phone with the Devil.

St. Peter: “So, Dev, we have an issue with this engineering guy Robert. He is supposed to be with us. Can you send him up?”

Devil: “Bob? No way. Not going to. Since he has been down here, he fixed the aircons, plumbing, and everything that was wrong with hell. We are living in paradise down here, thanks to Bob. And at a fraction of the cost. Would you believe he found a way to power everything using thermodynamics? No way you am I sending him up.”

St. Peter: “Well, this is highly irregular. You leave me no choice. I will have to sue.”

Devil (laughing diabolically): “Sue? Where do you suppose you’ll find a lawyer?”

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