Random pics that are hilarious but accurate?

You know that moment when you’re shopping online, and the shipping makes you question everything you’re about to buy? Those are the kinds of truths we’re talking about.
Birthdays begin at midnight.

When you wake up in the morning, it has already been your birthday for around eight hours or so.

The likes and happy birthday messages are already flooding in. It can be pretty exciting.

Cats and dogs are viewed differently.

Dogs typically get referred to by their breed. You can probably name off dozens of different dog breeds. Cats, on the other hand, are all just cats.

Little kids are like sponges.

We’ve all seen it. A toddler, running around before seeing an adult doing something funny and copying exactly what they do.

The little girl in this picture saw her father hit his thumb instead of the nail, now she knows exactly what face to make for excruciating pain.

Sunglasses with writing on them cost more.

If there is a little scribble in the top right-hand corner of the glasses, they are probably about twenty times the normal price of regular shades, if not more

That’s just how the business works. You pay big bucks for the designer label.

Seatbelts are only important in certain situations.

What other way is there to explain the fact that school buses don’t have seatbelts? If a child doesn’t wear a seatbelt in a car, the parents can get in big trouble.

However, on a bus, the lack of seatbelts doesn’t concern anyone.

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