I Ruined My Son’s Wedding And Don’t Have An Inch Of Regret! Am I Wrong for Feeling This?

I was at the wedding of my son Mike because I was determined to talk to him about how he was being bad to his son Tommy and his ex-wife Jane.

Mike had left them after Tommy was born, so Jane had to take care of their Down syndrome child by herself.

When I found out that Mike was getting married, I decided to do something.

As I walked into the church with Tommy in my arms, I stopped the service to tell everyone the truth about what Mike had done in the past.

I had a range of feelings as I talked to Mike and his confused fiancée about how he had left Tommy, cheated on her, and not been paying for Tommy’s needs.

I meant to teach Mike a lesson and stress how important it is to be a good father, but what happened was very different.

Mike’s bride got angry and threw her bouquet at him. She and her shocked family then left the wedding quickly.

My cousin Liam told me about what happened the next day. He said that Mike’s fiancée was very upset, and Mike was feeling a range of emotions in front of the guests who were waiting.

Now I’m not sure if my choice to ruin the wedding was the right one.

My intention was to get Mike to take responsibility for what he did by either making a promise to his family again or giving Tommy money.

It may seem like I went too far, but I think it was important to bring attention to how bad Mike’s neglect was.

I hope this interruption wakes him up so he can change his ways and be there for Tommy as a dad.


Was it wrong of me to get in the way of my son’s wedding? Time will tell if what I did makes Mike’s life better and, more importantly, Tommy’s future better.

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