My son heard his mom crying & strangers’ voices, urging me home — What I discovered was beyond belief

Cutting ties with members of the family is never an easy decision, but there are times when that’s the only reasonable thing to do.

A man shared a story of a traumatizing experience and a day no one could prepare him for.

The day started as usual. He was at the office, trying to find some missing files, when his phone started ringing. It was his eight-year-old son Luke who was supposed to be at school at the time. Looking at the phone, the man realized that his son had called him 10 times before, and he immediately knew that something was very wrong.


He rushed to call him back, freaking out, when he heard the boy saying, “Daddy, please come home!! Mom is crying…”

“Slow down, buddy. What’s happening?”

“Daddy, I don’t know what to do. I just came home and now I hear mom crying in her room!”

“Why didn’t you go into her room?” the man asked his son.

“I’m too scared to go inside. I hear other voices in there!”

“Okay, okay! Stay in your room. Lock the door! I’ll call your mom,” the man said, trying not to panic.


He tried calling his wife, but the call went straight to voicemail. This wasn’t something usual for his wife who always picked up when he called her. Sadly, this made him even more terrified. He quickly grabbed his keys and called 911 as he rushed out of the office.

Unaware of what could be going on, the man couldn’t wait to get home.

When he arrived, the cops still weren’t there but he couldn’t wait for them, he simply had to enter the room and make sure that he wife was safe.

No matter what it was, or who was inside the room, he was ready to face them.

The man kicked the door opened and to his surprise his wife wasn’t inside the room. It was her sister, Diana, having “fun” with two men.

At that moment, his wife, Nikkie, came in with the cops running after her. When she saw her sister, she was horrified.

“Diana?! What the heck?!” Nikkie blurted out.

The man’s sister-in-law was wrapped in the expensive sheets and pretended as though she didn’t do anything wrong. “I thought no one would be home. Just having a bit of fun, that’s all,” she said.

Diana was married and she believed that Nikkie’s home would be the perfect place for her extramarital encounters. She used the key Nikkie once gave her and she believed there would be no one at home.

However, that day Luke felt sick and one of his teachers was nice enough to drive him home before previously alerting Nikkie who arranged to get the rest of her day off from work.

The teacher believed the boy would be safe at home until his mom arrives, and yes, he was supposed to be safe, but this incident scared him for life.

Luke couldn’t stop hugging his mom and asking if she was safe.


“My boy was traumatized. Honestly, so was I,” the man wrote.

“So, Mom wasn’t in danger?” Luke asked. “No, my boy. It was just your Aunt Diana being funny. But don’t worry because we won’t be seeing her again any time soon.”

He gave Nikkie a serious look, and she nodded, and that’s when they cut ties with Diana.

The man sharing this story added that he had also sent Diana’s husband a warning text about his wife because he believed he gad the right to know what she was doing.

What are your thoughts on this? How would you react?

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