Husband Pays over $5K for Friends’ & Co-workers’ Christmas Presents, Wife Is ‘Shocked’ Seeing the Price of Her Gift

A woman discovered her husband spent over $5000 on Christmas gifts for his friends and family. However, when she saw what he decided to give her, she was surprised to see that it was nothing as meaningful as the other gifts.

A woman and her husband were celebrating their first Christmas as a married couple. They’d been together three years, and it’s been a tradition for them to purchase and give their gifts separately.

While going through some things at home, the woman stumbled upon her husband’s Christmas list by accident. Out of curiosity, she decided to read it.

After finding out what her husband had planned for Christmas, she couldn’t help but feel hurt. She took to Reddit to ask whether her feelings were out of line.

A man holding a Christmas gift | Source: Pexels

The Woman Felt Unimportant to Her Husband

At the top of her husband’s list were gifts for his friends and extended family. Some of the most outrageous gifts he bought were a wristwatch worth $600 for a co-worker, a $250 bracelet for his sister-in-law, and $900 workout gear for a friend of his.

Seeing how much thought he put into his gifts for other people, the woman couldn’t wait to see what she’d be receiving for Christmas. However, she ended up upset when the list got to her name.

Instead of something extravagant like the rest of those on his list, he bought her a stainless steel kitchen spoon set worth $20. The woman was stunned and couldn’t ignore the hurt she was feeling inside.

An upset woman | Source: Pexels

The Woman Decided to Confront Her Husband

“I was too shocked to ignore this and I had a confrontation with him about it,” she explained. Her husband mentioned that because he purchased the gifts with his money, he was free to give whatever he wanted.

The woman insisted that she felt disrespected by his lack of thoughtfulness. Her husband also argued that she should appreciate a gift regardless of how much it cost.

The confrontation made her husband extremely upset. Meanwhile, the woman also couldn’t easily forget the incident because she felt her husband didn’t value her the way she valued him.

An arguing couple | Source: Pexels

While they were still dating, she’d buy him his favorite shoes or gaming gear. Ultimately, the man slammed his wife for being an “ungrateful, spoiled brat.”

He went so far as to ask her to get rid of this selfish attitude and accept what she was receiving for Christmas. Since then, the husband refused to talk to his wife as he thought she was being ridiculous.

Torn and unsure what to do, the woman sought opinions on Reddit. To her surprise, people told her the same thing: her husband didn’t value her the same way he valued his friends.

A group of friends at the office | Source: Pexels

Internet Users Weighed In on the Situation

“If one of my coworkers spent so much more on me than on their own spouse, I would be SERIOUSLY weirded out,” one person noted. “If my BIL got me a $250 bracelet I’d be extremely uncomfortable. Throw in the fact that he only spent $20 on spoons for his wife I’d be appalled,” another added.

Others went so far as to warn the woman that her husband’s traits were red flags that merited a divorce. “That’s a huge red flag to dote and shower others with gifts and not your significant other…but expect them to get you nice things in return. It’s beyond disrespectful,” one person said.

What would you have done if you were in the woman’s situation? Do you think she was right to confront her husband about his Christmas list?

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