Husband and Wife Dance to ‘Do You Love Me’ and Internet Can’t Get Enough

Dance routines are some of the best things to watch on the internet. Nothing in this world seems more entertaining than dancing or watching others dance. Studies have shown watching others dance can actually reduce our own stress and improve our mood.

This amazing dance routine is the perfect video for you if you are looking to find something refreshing and fun to watch. Your day will brighten up when you watch this by looking at the enthusiastic moves and smiles on the faces of the dancers. This couple, who have a YouTube channel called Sophie & Thomas, knows what they do the best and they do it very well.

This dance routine to the 1962 classic by The Contours, “Do You Love Me,” will have you tapping your legs under the tables and make you go a little groovy yourself. I truly appreciate the couple for sharing a piece of their happy and beautiful life and an equally amazing moment with the entire internet.

They are getting lots of love from the viewers. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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