Elvis Presley’s Grandson Stuns The Judges With ‘Love Me Tender’ Audition

At the start of this video, a young man named Dakota Striplin begins to sing and play guitar with the voice of an angel.

A judge immediately turns around her chair and puts her hand on her heart.

Suddenly, another judge says, “I need to see what’s going on here” and flips her chair.

At the end of his song, one judge shares how excited she is that this young man is here.

The judges are shocked that he not only sang, he was also playing.

They ask him what caused him to choose that song and artist. Dakota responds that Elvis inspired him and his grandmother used to love going to the shows and there is a running joke that he could be his grandson. The judges laugh when they see the resemblance.

As Dakota begins to share his story, he says that his dad does not talk about it much. However, his grandmother used to go and help with Elvis’ shows in Hawaii. She would take Dakota’s dad but none of her other kids to Hawaii with her.

When Elvis passed away, his grandmother lost it in a bigger way that seemed more personal. A few years ago, a DNA test proved that his grandfather is not his grandfather, so the thought is that Dakota’s grandfather is Elvis.

After the story, two judges stand up in hopes to be selected as his coach. In the end he selects the judge who turned for him first. Then there is one more clip of Dakota singing in a knockout round.

Sometimes we may not know where we come from, but we can always rest in our unchanging identity in Christ. When we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we are permanently in the family of God.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12
Photo credit: ©GodTube

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