CHANGES in the Face That Indicate

Changes in your face can reveal important health information. Four key facial changes to monitor include:

Thinning Eyebrows: notes that conditions like hypothyroidism and atopic dermatitis can lead to eyebrow loss. Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, often results in overall hair thinning. Atopic dermatitis, a common skin issue affecting 20% of people, can also contribute.

Acne and Unusual Hair Growth: While minor acne and peach fuzz are normal, severe acne or excessive facial hair could signal a health concern, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This condition is associated with irregular periods, obesity, infertility, and abnormal hair growth.

Red Rashes and Bumps: Red rashes on the face or neck might indicate autoimmune diseases like lupus or celiac disease, or digestive problems. It’s important to track these symptoms.

Under-eye Circles: Occasional dark circles are usually due to lack of sleep, but if accompanied by red or black spots, they could signify Dermatomyositis, an autoimmune disorder causing muscle pain and weakness. Immediate medical consultation is recommended for these signs.

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