An Old Man, A Boy And A Donkey Were Going To Town.

An old man, a boy and a donkey were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along…

I’m Filing For Divorce

Married or not you should read this… No matter if you’re single or married… you have to read this: When I came home that night, as my…

An Old Blind Cowboy Walks Into A Bar

An old blind cowboy goes into a bar. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels. After sitting there for…

How Grandma Eventually Married Grandpa

A grandmother told her grandson how she ended up marrying Grandpa. I was in my 20s and the man I was dating left for war. “We were…


This man goes to confession and says, “Forgive me father for I have sinned. The priest asks if he would like to confess his sins and the…

A husband penned the following letter for his wife and left it on the dining room table.

A husband wrote the following letter for his wife and left it on the dining room table: ‘To My Dear Wife. You will surely understand that I…

The surprise I planned for my stepmom on her 18th birthday completely changed her life.

Sarah’s 18th birthday was a day she’ll never forget, not just because it marked her official transition into adulthood, but because it was the day she planned…

Did You Know They Made Dick and Jane Books For High Schoolers? 9 Facts About the Beloved Series

Many school age children grew up with Dick and Jane as fixtures in their young lives. The Dick and Jane books were once the most popular early readers for…

My Child’s Wedding Ended Up Being A Bad Dream After The.

Linda was certain she had brought up her child right. He was going to get hitched to a decent young lady, and they had proactively laid plans…

This video of a 6-year-old playing guitar moved the audience to tears

In a world where talent knows no bounds, there are moments that transcend the ordinary and touch the very essence of human emotion. Such was the case…