Young Lad Drives Hard Bargain with Man in Compromised Situation

We often don’t give kids enough credit for their shrewdness. But, unlike adults, kids can often tell when they have the upper hand in a situation and…

Little Girl Visits Bank With Her Mom

You know, it’s true what they say. Kids do say the darndest things. Often times they are just being silly, but sometimes they can floor you with…

A Bus Driver Is Working His Daily Route When An Older Woman Gets On

Being a bus driver is a pretty tedious job. Even those who drive cross country are often bored by traveling the same routes day in and day…

An Irishman Shows Bakery Owner ‘Magic Trick’

If there’s one thing we love is clever jokes with a simple twist. Sometimes you don’t need a long, and elaborate story to get to a great…

Three Engineers Hatch The Perfect Plan Until Three Accountants Totally Ruin It

Most of us play by the rules, but every once in a while, we may hear about somebody who likes to game the system. They not only…

Teacher Hesitates To Call On The One Kid That Turns Every Answer Into A Flaming Mess

If you are a teacher or if you know somebody that is a teacher, you realize that it takes a special person to fill that job. It…

Hilarious Book Makes Grandma Laugh So Much She Can’t Keep Reading to Infant Grandson

Have you ever seen a video that is so adorable it makes you want to watch it over and over again? Well, the video below is one…

Dog Refuses To Let Baby Sleep Alone – When Parents Find Out Why They Call The Police

Jessy and David’s home situation was very normal, until Jessy gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Ever since that moment, their family dog Benji shook things up…

The pianist could not s tand it when 14 years old girl began to sing. He had n ever heard such a sound in his l’ife

Perhaps the name Charis Pempengko means nothing to you. But the most p’opular TV presenter of our time, Oprah Winfrey, once called this young Filipino singer the…

Driver Gets St’ range Feel’ ing About Boy On Bus. Then He Looks At His Feet And Sees It

It was a normal day on the job for bus driver Tim Watson when he n.o.t.i.c.e.d something that seemed a little “off.” A little boy had gotten…