Butterfly Rash and Its Best Cure By Homeopathic Medicine

What is Butterfly Rash or Malar Rash?

Butterfly rash, malar rash, is irritation on the skin that extends on the human face in the form of a butterfly. In most cases, the wings of butterfly rash appear on cheeks while the body of the butterfly is extended down to your nose bridge. Butterfly rash appears as a symptom of immune disorder in the human body and is not considered a disease in itself.

What Causes Butterfly Rashes?

As mentioned above Butterfly rash is caused by an immune disorder. The main cause of butterfly rash is a condition called Lupus. In this condition, the immune system of the body doesn’t perform normally and starts attacking normal healthy body tissues. This immune disorder may be due to genetics or some environmental factors.

Signs and symptoms of Butterfly Rash or Lupus

Butterfly rash, malar rash, is irritation on the skin that extends on the human face in the form of a butterfly.

Image Credit: lupusimages.com

Common Symptoms of Butterfly Rashes/Lupus:

Usual symptoms of lupus include:

  • Butterfly shaped rash on face
  • fever and fatigue
  • pain, swelling, and stiffness in  joints
  • skin lesions
  • skin lesions become worse when exposed to sunlight
  • During cold or depression, the fingers and toes may turn blue or white
  • difficulty in breathing
  • pain in chest
  • dryness of eyes
  • memory loss or confusion
  • headaches

what is lupus butterfly rash

How Butterfly Rashes/Lupus Is Treated in Allopathy?

In allopathy different medicines are used to apply on the skin to reduce the symptoms of lupus. The most common medications are Corticosteroid lotions or creams. These creams are applied on the skin rashes that helps in the reduction of inflammation and try to regulate the immune system. These creams and lotions are helpful but there are many side effects associated with their use. Most common side effects include weight gain, bruising, acne, and new hair growth.

Antimalarial drugs are also used by physicians to control the symptoms and causes of lupus and butterfly rashes. These drugs help in healing skin infections and also protect them from direct sunlight. This treatment has lower side effects but the treatment may prolong for many months.

Treatment of Lupus and Butterfly Rashes in Homeopathy

As mentioned above Allopathy cannot provide a safe, quick, and inexpensive treatment for this condition. The above-mentioned methods may or may not work for all patients. Also, severe side effects are observed while using Allopathic medicines for Lupus treatment.

In homeopathy, the treatment is quite effective and without any side effects. There are perfect medicines available that can stabilize the body’s immune system. As the main cause of Lupus is an immune disorder, using homeopathic medicines for improving the immune system greatly improves the overall condition of the patient. During treatment, proper medicines are also given to treat the symptoms of lupus-like skin infection, skin sensitivity to sunlight, etc. The patient usually feels relief within 1-2 weeks and the condition becomes normal within few more weeks.

Some common homeopathic medicines used to treat lupus and butterfly rashes are:

  • Sulfur,
  • Nat carb
  • Belladonna
  • Belladonna,
  • APIs
  • Graphitic
  • Cistus can.
  • Carbvege
  • Petroleum
  • Arsenicum album
  • Delicious
  • Pulsatilla

Please note that these medicines are mentioned for educational purposes only. You should NOT use any of these medicines on your own. Only an experienced homeopathic doctor can suggest you right medicines with the right doses after observing the signs and symptoms of your condition.

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