Beggar Turned Down Job Offer So The Man Made His Own Sign To Shame Him

As we are going about our day-to-day lives, we often see people who are looking for some help. They may be standing on the quarter or perhaps near a park bench, and they are holding the siding asking for money.

Sometimes, we see these things so often that they just tend to blend into the background. We all have our own opinions on giving out money and lending a helping hand, and sometimes we may hear something that sways our opinion.

Ryan Bray is someone who sees beggars on the street regularly. He sees them when he is on his way to work and back home, and one day he decided to do something about it. Ryan, who is from Florida, walked up to a man who had a rather sad story so he decided to give him a helping hand.

He didn’t reach into his pocket and pull out a few dollars, knowing that it would not really help him in the long run. He had a bigger vision, as he offered him $15 an hour to work for the family business.

This was more than a simple handout, it was an opportunity for the beggar to get off the street and take control of his life. He was surprised, however, when the beggar said he didn’t want a real job and was better off sitting on the street where he could make more per hour asking others for money.

This didn’t sit well with Ryan, because he had given the man an opportunity only to have it thrown back at him. That is when he went home and made up his own sign and went back to the same Street quarter.

He stood next to the beggar with his own sign that called out the man. It was also a warning for others not to give money to panhandlers, because he had tried and it didn’t work.

The sign said: “I offered him $15.00 an hour to do yardwork for me, and he refused. If we as a community stop paying them, they will leave our neighborhood!”

The homeless man called him a liar saying that he never was offered any type of employment. Ryan, however, spoke about the encounter and what actually happened.

“He reached his arms inside my vehicle, resting them, and said, ‘Hey do you have any money?’ I said, ‘No, I have one better for you.’”

You can see more about the story in this video:

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