Captivating Rendition of “The Sound of Silence” by a Powerful Heavy Metal Vocalist from ‘Disturbed’

Disturbed, the heavy metal band from Chicago known for their hard-hitting rock tracks, surprised everyone with their live performance of Simon and Garfunkel’s classic folk song, “The…

NFL Mourns the Loss of Super Bowl Champion Matt Ulrich

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of former NFL player, Matt Ulrich. At the young age of 41, Ulrich, who was an offensive…

A Pregnant Woman Saw a Man Smiling at Her on the Bus

In a lighthearted yet somewhat peculiar incident, a pregnant woman boarded a bus and noticed a young man smiling at her from across the aisle. Feeling a…

Born without a nose, here’s what Tessa Evans looks like at 10 — says she loves her new nose

Fittingly born on Valentine’s Day in 2013, Tessa Evans, the girl who was born without a nose, is showered with love and praise each day by her…

Woman says that having a stroke and becoming paralyzed from the waist down is the best thing that has ever happened to her

“Ihad a stroke, I was paralyzed, they told me I would never walk again and my husband I had lived with for 14 years left me after…

Man Receives Call From Telemarketer During Dinner

One of the most frustrating situations that many of us have to face on a daily basis is receiving a telemarketing call. It seems as they call…

Little Boy’s Answer To Why God Made Grandmas Will Melt Your Heart

If there’s one thing we know about little boys, it’s the fact that they love their grandmas. Of course, they love their parents also but there is…

Bridezilla Freaks Out Over Guest Stealing Food

Weddings come in all different shapes and sizes, but there seems to be a common thread from one celebration to another. Weddings are expensive. In fact, the…

A Young Man Teaches His Girlfriend A Lesson She Will Never Forget

When we get married, we say that it is for better or for worse. Of course, most of us expect things to get better but when we…

Woman Who Spent $100,000 To Become A Real-Life Barbie Says People Treat Her Better Now She’s ‘Hot’

A 25-year-old woman from Queensland, Australia has spent more than $100,000 to achieve the appearance of a “real-life Barbie princess.” She goes by the name of Jazmyn…