A Man Asks One Too Many Questions To The Waiter

There are many times when we may have questions in life but it isn’t always the best idea to ask those questions. They sometimes say that you should be careful what you ask for, because you just may get it.

That is what was happening in the following joke when a man went to a restaurant with his wife. He had questions of the waiter and he just continued to ask them until eventually, he got the answer he didn’t want.

You have to really read this joke to appreciate it and I’m sure once you read it, you will want to share it.

A man and his wife go on a date to a new restaurant.

They are seated and after browsing the menu they both decide to order the soup of the day.

When the waiter brings their soup the man knocks his spoon on the floor.

“Whoops,” he says and turns to the waiter, “I’m terribly sorry but could I have another…”

The waiter whips a fresh spoon out of his top pocket

“Here you are, Sir.” Says the waiter, handing him the spoon.

“Oh, thank you,” says the man a little surprised.

The couple tuck into their soups, chit-chatting about the wonderful service and how delicious the soup is.

The man glances around the restaurant and notices all the waiters have a spoon sticking out of their top pockets.

Curious about the spoons he beckons the waiter back over.

“Is everything to your liking, Sir?” asks the waiter

“Oh, yes, it’s wonderful, thank you, I was just curious as to why all the waiters are carrying a spoon in each of their top pockets.”

“Very observant, Sir. Statistically, spoons are the most dropped utensil so to save time we all carry a spoon in our pockets”

“That’s very clever, thank you.”

The waiter returns to the kitchen and the man turns back to his soup.

After a few more sips he is looking around the room again and notices that all the waiters have a short piece of string hanging out of the fly on their trousers.

He gestures again for the waiter who returns to the table.

“Anything I can do for you, Sir?”

“Just another question, if you don’t mind,” says the man with genuine curiosity

“I notice all the waiters have a piece of string hanging out of their fly, what is the reason behind that?”

“Well, Sir, to be perfectly honest the string is tied to the penis so when we go to the bathroom one can just pull it out with the string and eliminate the need to wash one’s hands, thus saving more time.”

“Interesting,” says the man.

A look of slight confusion crosses his face and he adds, “But what about when you need to put it away?”

“Well, Sir,” says the waiter, leaning in conspiratorially,

“Personally I use the spoon.”

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