A Little Boy Brings His Dad To Tears When Potty Training

Do you remember potty training your child? It was one of those events that was momentous, but it did come with some problems.

The crying, the tantrums, the screaming and yelling, and that was only the parents.


Yes, potty training can be difficult but it is not impossible. In fact, if you look at it the right way, it can even be somewhat enjoyable.

Nobody knows this better than Dani and Matt DiVito. When they were teaching their little boy how to use the big boy potty, they got more than they bargained for. Fortunately, the video was rolling.

When the father asked his son if he pooped, the little boy simply hollered, “I didn’t poop, I peed!”

He said it in such a strange voice that you might even wonder if it was dubbed into the video. The father admits that it was just his son trying to make him laugh.

And it worked like a charm! His dad started laughing so hard that he was actually crying, and then his little boy was concerned that his father was sad.

It took some time to reassure the little boy that the father actually wasn’t sad, and then they continued on with their potty banter.

You can see it for yourself in this video:


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