A Blonde Remembers The Secret For Finding Safety In A Snowstorm

When was the last time you had a good chuckle? Like many people, you probably enjoy laughing at any opportunity but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the opportunity comes up often enough.

People will go out of their way to get a good laugh daily because it makes them feel better. They may listen to a comedy routine on the way to work or perhaps they may watch some amusing videos in the evening to unwind. In either case, it may just be the medicine they need.

Since laughter is the best medicine, we have something for you that is sure to make you feel better all day today. It’s a funny joke that will not only make you chuckle, it will make you want to share.

“A blonde driving a car got lost in a snowstorm. She didn’t panic, though, since she remembered something her father had taught her: “If you ever get stuck in a snowstorm, just wait for a snow-plow to come by, and follow it.” Soon enough, a snowplow passed by, and she began to follow it.

It was a challenging and dangerous journey, but she was able to follow the plow for around 45 minutes. Finally, the truck driver got out and asked her what she was doing. She responded that her father had taught her that if she ever got trapped in a snowstorm, she should follow a plow.

The driver nodded and replied, “Well, I’m done with the Wal-Mart parking lot, do you want to follow me over to Best Buy now?”

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