These Soft Brioche Dinner Rolls are so deliciously buttery. Richly flavored and golden brown, they are the perfect complement to any meal.


4 Cups of all-purpose flour

2 Eggs, at room temperature

1 Cup of whole milk, warmed to around 110 degrees Fahrenheit

1/2 Cup of unsalted butter, at room temperature

1/4 Cup of granulated sugar

2 1/4 Teaspoons of instant yeast (or one packet)

1 Teaspoon of salt


1 Egg

1 Tablespoon of milk




Begin by warming your milk to around 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius). In a large mixing bowl, combine the warmed milk and sugar, then stir in the yeast. Allow it to sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes frothy.

Next, add the softened butter, eggs, flour, and salt to the yeast mixture. Using a dough hook attachment, mix these ingredients on low speed until they come together, then increase to medium speed for about 5-7 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.

Place the dough in a greased bowl, covering it with a clean kitchen towel. Let it rise in a warm, draft-free area for about 1-2 hours or until it doubles in size.

After the dough has risen, gently punch it down to release the air. Divide it into equal pieces, roll them into balls, and arrange them in a greased baking pan.

Cover the dough balls again with the kitchen towel and allow them to rise for another hour until they expand and fill the pan.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius). Prepare an egg wash by whisking together an egg and a tablespoon of milk. Brush this wash over the risen dough balls.

Bake your Milk Brioche in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes until they turn golden brown. Once done, remove the brioche from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack.

Now, you’re ready to dive into the soft, cloud-like texture of your homemade Milk Brioche. Enjoy it warm, perhaps with a pat of butter or a spoonful of your favorite jam. Happy baking!


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