Son of the bride steals the show at Mom’s wedding with paper packet bearing one request

Leslie had been looking forward to marrying Matt since early on in their relationship.

It was her son, 5-year-old Jason, however, who took center stage at their wedding.

Leslie was a single mom when she met Matt at a country concert. Jason was just a year old.

Matt had never dated someone with a child before, but he found joy in the simple pleasures of childhood again.

After all, what man wouldn’t want to spend his time playing in the mud and driving Leslie crazy with their antics?


As their family grew with the addition of their daughter Emily, Matt and Leslie’s relationship also blossomed and they were led to the altar after four and a half years.

But young Jason harbored questions about his place in this newly forming family.

He was particularly puzzled about why his sister shared Matt’s last name while he did not.

This confusion set the stage for a momentous occasion that would unfold at the wedding.


The wedding day was not just a celebration of Matt and Leslie’s love but also a culmination of a bond that had been forming since the day Matt met Jason.

In a heartfelt speech, Leslie reminisced about the first time Matt met Jason, recalling how they quickly became best friends, sharing adventures and even humorous mishaps like banana pudding vomit incidents.

Matt fondly remembered how, just a few months into his relationship with Leslie, Jason began to call him “Da-da”.

It was a title Matt initially resisted but eventually embraced.


The ceremony was a beautiful recap of the journey they had all taken together over the past few years.

It was a celebration of the family they had built, with each member playing a crucial role.

But the most touching moment was yet to come.

It was a moment that would encapsulate the essence of their blended family.


As Matt stood at the altar, Jason approached him on a mission.

He held a packet of papers adorned with pictures and drawings. It was a tangible representation of the bond he shared with Matt.

The papers bore a simple yet loaded request: “Will you be my daddy?”

This heartfelt plea from a child who had already accepted Matt as his dad in his heart moved everyone present.


Matt recalled how, over the years, Jason had naturally started to call him Daddy, a title that he had come to accept and cherish.

This moment at the wedding was not just about changing a last name. It was about affirming a relationship that had been real for years.

Matt expressed how, in many ways, nothing would change because Jason had always been his son, and he had always been Jason’s daddy.


The wedding became a dual celebration.

They were celebrating Matt and Leslie’s love as well as the official formation of a family that had, in many ways, already existed in heart and spirit.


As the family looks to the future, they do so with a renewed sense of unity and love.

For Jason, the change might be as simple as writing a new last name on his school papers, but the emotional significance of this act is profound.

It symbolizes the permanence of the bond he shares with Matt, a bond that is now officially recognized.


Jason’s request at the wedding was a small step for a little boy, but a giant leap in solidifying the foundation of a family built on love, laughter, and a shared journey through life.

See the heartwarming moment Jason halts the wedding to ask Matt to be his dad below!

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