When a toddler hears his favorite Elvis song, he rushes to the dance floor, making the King PROUD

When 2-year-old William ran into the middle of a dance floor to start dancing, his parents were completely taken by surprise.

Elvis Presley’s favorite rock song, Jailhouse Rock, provided the perfect backdrop for the two-year-old’s spontaneous dance, which stole the show.

Watch the toddler follow the beat of the music as he moves, then stay tuned for some incredible tricks at the very end!

So where did William get his ideas from? The dance studio Studie43 is connected to his family. This young person has a bright future in the dance and entertainment industries based on this amazing dance. If nothing else, he’ll always have someone to dance with. He’s simply too cute. Who could refuse this?

He’s very cute, and it’s perfectly acceptable to let your children dance. I say that he has the right to express himself since he is only two years old. He’s doing a fantastic job. I like how he bows and then just stands there for a little while, soaking up the praise from his supporters. He’s charming and talented!

See Tiny Willam’s amazing dance performance and tell others about his heartwarming act. Everyone will be delighted with this little dancer.

This young woman, not to be outdone, puts on her best Aretha Franklin routine:

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