Woman’s warning after horrifying infection caused by man’s stubble

A woman has shared confronting images of a nasty infection she developed on her face after kissing a man with stubble.

TikTok user @hannahwitts42 posted a video of her blistered chin post-make out sesh – and it’s fair to say the majority of viewers have been horrified.

Hannah’s video showed a variety of images as the infection progressed, before revealing her fully healed chin at the end.

She shared the video in response to another TikTok user’s video captioned: “The dry skin beard after kissing a boy with stubble.”

The woman, who uses the handle @nebarb on the social media platform, had visibly red skin with dry flakes hanging off.

Hannah developed blisters and painful red sores. Photo / TikTokHannah developed blisters and painful red sores. Photo / TikTok
But it inspired Hannah to share her own story, writing: “I’ve been waiting to tell my story. #stubblesurivor”.

While Hannah didn’t explain exactly what happened, the comments section blew up, many speculating she caught a staph infection during her romantic encounter.

These infections are caused by a bacteria called staphylococcus which lives on the skin naturally.

However if the bacteria enters the bloodstream through a wound, such as scratches caused by stubble, it can cause sepsis, skin infections and boil-like sores, Healthline states.

Many were horrified by Hannah’s experience, suggesting her partner might have had poor hygiene, passing the bacteria into the broken skin on her chin caused by his stubble.

“Methinks there was something filthy on his beard,” one wrote.

“I hope you never kissed that dirty dude again,” another asked.

A TikTok video showing the dry, flaking skin women get after kissing men with stubble prompted one woman to share her horror pash story. Photo / TikTokA TikTok video showing the dry, flaking skin women get after kissing men with stubble prompted one woman to share her horror pash story. Photo / TikTok

Others were confused, with many stating their experiences with beards and stubble had never resulted in the same ordeal Hannah had endured.

“My husband has had a beard the entire time I’ve known him and this has never happened to me,” one shocked woman explained.

“Can someone please tell me how this happened? I love making out with stubbly men,” another asked.

Many thought it was funny, making jokes about being grateful to kiss women rather than men.

“Thank god I’m dating a girl,” one person remarked.

However, others said they could relate to Hannah’s plight, writing they had experienced a similar situation in their own kissing experiences.

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