The image that baffled psychologists and neurologists. Those who see the two women have a genius-level IQ.

We are going to take many tests in life but one test that tends to stick with us for a lifetime is our IQ test. It isn’t generally something we can study for, but it can shape us in many ways.

Determining our IQ can take on many different forms, and that includes a sketch that professors from Flinders University in Australia devised.

When most people look at the sketch, the first thing they see is an elderly woman. As you continue to look closer and closer at the sketch, however, something else may begin to appear.

If you weren’t able to see it, there is a picture of a young woman hiding in the picture of the old woman. As they say, once you see it, you can’t un-see it, but did you know that there is a secret behind it?

They did a test by showing many people this picture and over the course of time, they were able to get an idea of what people were saying.

If you were under the age of 32, you would likely see the young lady before you sell the old lady.

If you are over the age of 32, then the elderly woman was more likely to stand out.

Are you struggling to see the younger woman in the picture? Here’s a hint to give you the guidance. The younger ladies profile is in the left cheek of the older woman’s picture. The nose of the older woman is the chin of the younger woman.

See what I mean? Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.

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