My Teen Daughter Destroyed Her Stepsister’s Birthday Dress — I Made Her Get Work To Pay Back $3000 For It

  • A woman had to pay her husband and his ex-wife $3000 after her teenage daughter destroyed her stepsister’s dress.


  • Their entire family had been preparing for the stepsister’s Quinceanera, and it made the teenager jealous.


  • After an argument between the two sisters, the teenager vandalized and tore a part of the Quinceanera dress.
A young girl in a ball gown | Source: Pexels

A young girl in a ball gown | Source: Pexels

A woman was in a tight predicament because of what her teenage daughter did. She took to Reddit to ask for opinions on whether she was being too harsh regarding her punishment.

A woman remarried a man of Mexican descent. She already had a 16-year-old daughter named Bethany, while her husband had a 14-year-old daughter named Maria.

Two young girls | Source: Pexels

Two young girls | Source: Pexels

Maria and Bethany had been in each other’s lives since they were children. Their relationship as stepsisters was good until recently.

The entire family was busy planning Maria’s Quinceanera. The woman’s husband and his ex-wife joined forces to get her a beautiful dress to celebrate the occasion.

A young woman in a Quinceanera dress | Source: Pexels

A young woman in a Quinceanera dress | Source: Pexels

In total, the dress cost $3000. It was a grand party, and it meant the celebrant needed to wear the most beautiful gown.

Bethany made it clear that she was jealous of the party. Her mom had to make her understand that in Mexican culture, a Quinceanera was a great deal, just like how she had a sweet sixteen party.

A jealous young woman | Source: Pexels

A jealous young woman | Source: Pexels

However, Bethany kept comparing her party to that of Maria’s. It was a massive issue for her, and it reflected in the way she behaved around everyone at home.

Knowing how it made Bethany feel, the mom tried to spend more time with her daughter to assure her that she wasn’t being neglected. They even got her a lovely dress for the Quinceanera, but much cheaper than Maria’s gown.

A simple dress | Source: Pexels

A simple dress | Source: Pexels

Bethany Made the Most Impulsive Decision

Two weeks before the big day, Maria and Bethany got into an argument regarding the TV. Bethany retaliated against her stepsister by scribbling all over her Quinceanera dress and ripping the back part.

After finding out what Bethany did, everyone was furious. The mom couldn’t believe what her daughter did and quickly gave her husband and his ex-wife money to get a new dress.

An angry woman | Source: Pexels

An angry woman | Source: Pexels

The Angry Mother Imposed a Penalty on Bethany

Everyone was afraid they wouldn’t be able to replicate the beautiful dress, given their time constraints. They had to look for a similar dress and have it altered in time.

The livid mother told Bethany that she needed to get a job to pay back the total price of the dress. It was her punishment for such an irrational act against her stepsister.

A young woman in a Quinceanera gown | Source: Pexels

A young woman in a Quinceanera gown | Source: Pexels

Bethany was furious. She claimed her mother was being unfair by choosing Maria over her. This made the mom question whether she was in the wrong for giving her daughter no choice but to find a job.

She wrote about the story on Reddit, hoping to get opinions from others on whether what she did was wrong. To her surprise, she got everybody’s support.

A young woman at a Quinceanera | Source: Pexels

A young woman at a Quinceanera | Source: Pexels

“Bethany did a very bad, wrong, mean thing, and I agree that she needs to make restitution for the dress,” one user confirmed.

“Her behavior is absolutely abysmal, and she should have to pay back the dress. Any money you give her for fun should be kept for now, in addition to getting a job,” one voiced out.

A woman comforting a young woman | Source: Pexels

A woman comforting a young woman | Source: Pexels

“What she’s done is legally called malicious damage to property. Does she understand that charges could be laid against her if she did this to a non family member?” another pointed out.

Ultimately, the mom was determined to teach her 16-year-old a lesson. She was no longer a child and needed to be taught accountability.

What would you have done if you were in the mother’s shoes? Do you think she was right to punish her daughter?

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