She Accused Her Husband Of Cheating But Then She Learned The Whole Truth

When it comes to relationships, there is no bigger problem that you could experience than infidelity. It is a problem that has caused the breakup of more marriages than any other issue and it is no laughing matter.

Then again, there are times when a joke is all about a cheating spouse, and it is the funniest thing we have ever heard. Such is the case in the following joke, one that is sure to leave you laughing.

A man walks in through the front door after work and his wife immediately starts smacking him, left and right across the face, cursing.

“Woah woah woah…what gives?!?” the man says.

The smacking intensifies briefly, and then she let’s up.

“I picked up your coat from the dry cleaners earlier today, and found THIS in the pocket!” his wife exclaims.

She presents a small slip of paper with a woman’s name and some digits on it.

“That?!? Honey it’s the name of a horse I’m betting on this weekend! Come on!!”

Defeated, she apologizes and retreats back to the den.

The next day the man gets home from work, and low and behold she lunges at him again as he walks through the door, smacking him left and right even more violently than the day before, shouting obscenities he didn’t even know she was capable of.

“What did I do this time?!?” the man bellows with his arms guarding his face.

“The HORSE called!”

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