Teen Invites Uncle To Father-Daughter Dance, Then Sees Man In Uniform Walk Onto Dance Floor

If you are an avid Facebook user or news watcher, you are no stranger to the emotional videos of military homecomings. These clips usually show a military member surprising their loved ones at home, school, work, or parties.

Something about these videos always fills my eyes with tears, and I know I am not alone in this! Each surprise is different than the last one and the true individuality of every video and situation is what makes them so special and heartwarming to witness.

One of the best things about the reunions is the participation of others – even strangers – who do what they can to make sure the moment is one that will be remembered forever. Fourteen-year-old Jasmine Vega has an entire school faculty to thank for her unexpected surprise.

Jasmine’s father, Warrant Officer Wally Vega, has been stationed in Texas for six months, far away from his family, who live in Pennsylvania. When her school announced they were having a father-daughter dance, Jasmine knew her dad would not be able to make it, so she invited her uncle to take his place.

Of course he agreed, but little did Jasmine know the family had a little surprise up their sleeves.Jasmine’s mom enlisted the help of the staff at Archbishop John Carroll High School to orchestrate a plan to have Vega show up, be introduced, and share a special father-daughter dance with Jasmine – just him and his baby girl on the dance floor alone.

A totally speechless Jasmine jumped into the arms of her father as he walked onto the dance floor. The two were so overwhelmed with joy that they both began to cry, allowing themselves to wholeheartedly soak in the moment.I am not ashamed to say that I cried with them.

Everything about the surprise was beautiful, genuine, and moving.How wonderful of the school to help make this moment all that it was. Jasmine, we are so happy that you got to enjoy your high school father-daughter dance with your dad! And thank you, Officer Wally Vega, for all that you do for our country!

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