When Your Partner Is Attracted To Another Person, You Will Deely Feel These Things

When Your Partner Is Attracted To Another Person, You Will Deely Feel These Things

1. They avoid you

If you feel like your partner is pulling away, that’s definitely a red flag. The beginning of the end is often triggered by an emotional withdrawal from your partner.

2. They’re secretive

If your partner is suddenly hiding text messages, taking private calls, and sneaking around? There’s a good chance there’s a reason behind it.

3. They compare you to someone else. A lot.

Let that be a siren call for you to get to the bottom of what’s going on. In fact, any time you’re hearing about someone else a little too often, you might just pay close attention. Maybe it’s nothing, or maybe it’s something. But if you catch it early, maybe you can nip it in the bud

4. They’re often defensive

If your partner returns your questions about where they’ve been or who they’re texting with with more questions, it might be a sign that they’re feeling guilty about being attracted to someone else.

5. You’re spending less time together

Sometimes, it’s nice to miss your partner a bit, and it makes coming back together all the sweeter. A business trip here and there is fine. But when you start noticing your spouse spending less time with you and it seems like a pattern? Address it.

6. They’ve started picking at you

Whether it’s your cooking, your looks, your attitude, your spouse has started picking at everything about you — this is likely because they’ve found an attraction to someone new. You deserve to be loved. This does not stand. If you’re feeling picked on, definitely address it. As painful as it is to have a hard conversation, staying in an unhealthy relationship is harder in the long run.

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