Distraught 90-Year-Old Man Cries While Talking About His Beautiful Young Dream Wife

When couples are younger, or in some cases, young in their relationship, there are certain “activities” they may both enjoy together more frequently than those in longer marriages.

In case, you’re still not sure what I’m talking about, it’s sex. It’s normal for couples to begin their intimate relationships “hot and heavy” only to cool off (sometimes dramatically) after a few years, especially after having kids.

However, the old man in this story has a different problem. You see he’s married to the young, beautiful, wife of his dreams, yet he’s miserable.

A ninety-year-old man is sitting on a park bench, sobbing when a young man walks by and asks him what’s wrong. Through his tears, the old man answers, “I’m in love with a twenty-five-year-old woman.”

Image Source: Pexels

“What’s wrong with that?” asks the young man.

Between the sobs and sniffles, he answers, “You can’t understand. Every morning before she goes to work, we make love… At lunchtime she comes home and we make love again, and then she makes my favorite meal. In the afternoon when she gets a break, she rushes home and we have more sex, the best an old man could want. And then at suppertime, and all night long, we make love.”

He breaks down, no longer able to speak. The young man puts his arm around him. “I don’t understand. It sounds like you have a perfect relationship. Why are you crying?”

The old man answers, again through his tears, “I forgot where I live.”

Image Source: Pexels

Thanks for reading. Please be so kind as to pass this story to your friends and family?


“A 90 Year Old Man Marries A Beautiful Woman And All He Can Do Is Sit And Cry” Blissful Slots.

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