Navigating relationships! Discover the traits to avoid in a partner. Let’s chat about the not-so-attractive qualities.

There is no need for that kind of negativity here, or anywhere else for that matter, so I made sure to emphasize that this wasn’t about physical appearances when I set out to find out what people think the most unattractive qualities in a partner are.

Furthermore, when we consider instances in which someone we were interested in lost their appeal to us, they are genuinely not what come to mind.

This article outlines the characteristics that men and women find most repulsive in order to help readers better understand the characteristics that they may possess that our significant others or potential significant others may not find particularly endearing.

It was not intended to lecture anyone.
It’s possible that these characteristics are preventing you from finding true love or companionship.

After putting out a call for responses on the topic, I was shocked to learn that many, many more women than men were interested in sharing their thoughts. These women genuinely wanted to express the traits they don’t much like!

I eventually learned, after taking stock of all the negative traits people responded with, ranging from lack of empathy to narcissism, that these traits could be applied to anyone, regardless of gender. The most undesirable personality traits were as follows.

Lack of compassion.

I despise narcissists to the core.
women who are egocentric, preoccupied with themselves and their problems, and who frequently fabricate drama to fit their persona. It’s as if they always turn to you, call you, and act like they’re your “best friend” whenever they have a problem. However, when it’s your problem, they treat it as if it’s nothing and advise you to “move on and forget it.”.
These women are absolutely intolerable.

Vivi, 28.
Too much drama.

A gossipy, foul-mouthed woman who speaks poorly of other women is one of the most unattractive traits I detest. My adage is: “If you have nothing nice to say about someone, shut your trap!” – Lucie, 48.

Diminished Interests.

a lack of interest in intellectual subjects. – Peter, 54.

a penchant for gaming.

playing the game unfairly in the slightest way. This is a major turn-off because the majority of good guys will take the “hard next.”. This means that if a girl is not immediately attracted to us, we will move on.

Andy, 31.

Insecurity and mistrust are the two most unattractive traits that prevent people from pursuing relationships further, according to what I hear from men and women as a doctor. While many people have experienced events in the past that have contributed to their current feelings, the majority of people are not willing to wait for them to resolve these issues or to begin a relationship based on them. – Nikki, 46.


I don’t want to carry on a conversation with a woman who is subtly (or overtly) competing with me or other women, and I don’t want to include her in any other conversations. When you are enthusiastically telling others about a new experience, she may mention how she has already been there and done that. This type of competitiveness also manifests itself in name dropping. These competitive dames frequently try to dominate group discussions. – Marilyn, 49.


A pessimist or “Debby Downer” is someone who is constantly pessimistic about everything. “I recognize that occasionally some negativity is justified, but that should definitely be balanced out by some positivity as well. In the event that you don’t, everything just kind of gets thrown off.

Jared, 28.

a person who constantly complains about their workload.
I mean, we’re all busy.
Be mature and move on.
— Stephanie, age 23.


a person who talks about their job and wealth to advance in society. Your yearly salary is irrelevant; you are boasting, and I don’t like that. Why don’t you buy me dinner if you’re making so much money? – Laura, 32.

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