Grandma Refuses To Stop Seeing Her Granddaughter After Her Son, 40, Leaves The Mother, 20

The bond between children and their grandparents can be very special. Grandmas and Grandpas will go out of their way to make sure their beloved grandkids are taken care of. This was true for one grandmother who shared her story on Reddit after her son tried to make her stop seeing her granddaughter because he didn’t want to pay child support. In fact, the woman’s son didn’t want anything to do with his child.

The grandma refused to cut her granddaughter out of her life, so her son stopped talking to her altogether. As did her daughter, who sided with her brother in this matter. This is what prompted her to share her story online so she could see if she was in the wrong. After hearing the context of the story, the vast majority of Reddit users agreed that she was doing the right thing by supporting her grandbaby, Lily.

The post started off by explaining that the woman’s son is 40 and was seeing a 20-year-old college student. When he found out she was pregnant, he blocked her and completely cut off contact. The young woman said that he didn’t have to help raise the baby but did have to pay child support. This is when the son decided to involve his mother, thinking she would side with him. Instead, she reached out to the baby’s mom and offered to help her take care of the child while she finished her degree.

With both her son and daughter telling her to leave the child alone, the grandma was left wondering if she was doing the wrong thing by taking care of her granddaughter. Keep reading to hear what other Reddit users had to say about this story.

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In her post, the grandmother explained: “(The son) came to tell me about it once his baby’s mom reached out again saying that he didn’t have to care for the baby, but that he had to pay child support. I was shocked and told him that he could either step up or not, but that I would have a relationship with the child because it is my only grandchild. He chose to not step up and tried to fight child support, but a month ago he was placed on it.”

She added, “Now that my granddaughter Lily is born, I have been helping pay for everything because her mom is in college and my son quit his job so his payment would go down. I am very disappointed in him. I watch Lily during her mom’s classes and pay for her to have a nanny so the mom can work hard to get her degree.”

Grandma shared that she wants to help the baby and mother have better lives. “Money is no problem for my family, but my son is very angry that I am helping them out. He says that they should not get my money and that if the mom needed help then she should have aborted it. I told him that I will continue to help them because my granddaughter is innocent in this,” she wrote.

With both of her children turning against her, the grandmother is conflicted on if she is doing the right thing. She explained, “He said that it is either him or them and I said that I would always help my granddaughter. He has stopped talking to me and my daughter said that I went too far and that I should just cut ties with them.”

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The majority of reactions to this story were that the son was definitely the one in the wrong here, and the grandmother should cut him off entirely. One commenter said, “I would disinherit him in a heartbeat. Write a will that cannot be challenged and make sure to get an attestation from a medical professional stating you were sound of mind when the will was drafted.”

Reddit users felt strongly that the son should stay out of it and let the grandmother help the child he is choosing to neglect. “Yes, it’s really none of his business what OP does. He is middle-aged, and would rather wreck the life of a newly adult woman half his age, as well as a child’s because he doesn’t want responsibility,” added another person.

They continued, “I’m glad OP is stepping up since the son is not fit to be human. OP’s help, both financial and practical, will make all the difference in the lives of the grandchild and her mother. It only takes one person to change everything for someone, and OP has chosen to be that change. Good for her!”

Others also commended the grandma for stepping up to the plate when the son didn’t. A different user wrote, “That woman and your granddaughter sound like they have a strong, supportive role model in you. You didn’t lose a son in my mind, you lost the dead weight and gained a daughter and granddaughter. I’m sorry he turned out so disappointing. Sometimes people are just rotten. The same way people like you are just good.”

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Do you think the grandma is doing the right thing? What would you do in this situation? Let us know and feel free to send this along to your loved ones.

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