Husband Mocks His Unemployed Wife Until She Finally Had Enough

We all face decisions in life, and sometimes, the choices we make turn out to be wrong. Unfortunately, we often don’t realize this until it’s too late.

This is precisely what happened in the following story. It’s a tale that taught someone a life lesson they will carry forever, though it’s not necessarily a lesson anyone would want to learn.

This story is not only entertaining but also imparts a valuable lesson. Enjoy it.

It was a bright, cold October morning, and Harry was excited about his gaming app presentation—a project he had devoted himself to for the past six months.

At eight o’clock, Harry entered the dining room, preoccupied with his phone, barely acknowledging his wife, Sara, and their sons, Cody and Sonny.

“Morning, honey,” greeted Sara.

“Good morning, Daddy,” the boys chimed in unison.

Ignoring them, Harry grabbed a piece of toast and rushed back to his room.

“Sara, where’s my white shirt?” Harry’s voice boomed from the room.

“I didn’t have enough whites for a full load until now. You have other white shirts!” Sara replied.

“This is a big day for me, and you’re making excuses?” Harry retorted.

“You’re overreacting, Harry. Your presentation is what matters. It’s just a shirt. So stop barking, alright?”

“Oh really? I’m barking? You wanna do this now?”

“Do what, Harry? You’re making a scene over a stupid little thing. And nobody cares about the color of your shirt when all eyes will be on your presentation.”

“A GD presentation? Did you just say that? Do you have any idea how hard I’ve been working on that project?”

“Watch your words. The kids…”

“You sit at home all day doing nothing,” Harry blurted out. “Is it too hard to remember one simple thing? All you do is blah blah blah and NOTHING at home.”

“Harry, stop this. The kids are watching. You’re scaring them.”

“Oh really? And nobody watches you gossip on the phone all the time with your friends. Nobody sees that, huh, Sara? You can never be a good wife if you can’t do even a simple thing for me!”

Harry dressed up in a random suit and stormed out of the house, grabbing his briefcase.

After a successful presentation and securing a promotion, Harry expected an apology call from Sara—something she always did after their fights. But this time, there were no calls.

Thinking he would still win her apology, he returned home with white roses but found the apartment empty. A note from Sara on the table read, “I want a divorce.”

Confused and worried, Harry called Sara’s sister, Zara, who informed him that Sara was in the hospital. Harry rushed to the hospital, only to face an angry Zara. “You told her she was not ‘wife’ enough for you?”

“Look, we’ll talk about this later, alright?”

Harry hurried to meet the doctor. “Doctor, is my wife alright? Can I see her?”

“It was a mild attack. She’s out of danger but needs to take care of her health now. You can see her, but only for ten minutes as she needs to rest.”

Harry shakily walked into the ward, trying to force a smile as he approached Sara.

“Honey, I’m sorry. Please, let me explain. I—”

“I don’t wanna hear anything. I’m done. Divorce is the only thing I want.”

“What? Why… You’re taking it too far, alright?”

“I had ambitions, plans… I chose you over every opportunity, and it ruined my life,” she said. “It’s too late for your sorry, Harry.”

“Honey, please. We can work this out together,” he pleaded.

“No, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be fake to myself, to you, and to the kids. I’m 32, but I feel like an old woman. I just hate you, Harry. You’re so disgusting.”

“What about the kids, Sara?”

“I’m in a tough spot to provide for them… So they’re staying with you.”

Harry spoke no more and stormed out of the hospital to pick up his kids from Zara’s house.

At home, he ordered pizza and ice cream for dinner. After tucking the kids into bed, he called his friend Alex, who suggested that Sara might have just cracked up and would be home soon.

The next morning, Harry’s kids woke him, and as soon as he looked at his watch, he knew he was late! In the morning chaos, Harry burnt the French toast and his shirt while juggling the kids’ school preparations.

“Oh no, the toast,” he exclaimed, rushing to salvage breakfast.

“Daddy… Daddy, what’s happening?” the kids asked amidst the chaos.

“It’s just the smoke alarm. Don’t worry,” Harry reassured them, but things only got worse.

He had an important meeting and was running late. “I’ll quickly get ready, and let’s grab something nice to eat on the way to school, yeah?”

He dropped the kids off at school and arrived late to the meeting. “Sorry! Traffic, you know….”

When he returned home in the evening, the signs of Sara’s absence were even more evident. Her belongings were gone. “Did she leave me for real?” he wondered, overwhelmed.

“Daddy, what happened to Mommy’s pictures and her things?” the boys asked.

Clueless, Harry called Zara.

“Is this some kind of a joke, Zara? Your sister came here, took all her things, and left me? With the kids?”

Zara coldly informed him, “She’d told you, hadn’t she, Harry? You took my sister for granted.” Then the line went blank.


Five months passed without Sara. Harry struggled to balance work and parenting, and his work performance declined.

One day, his boss, Mr. Adams, invited him for a beer. At the pub, Mr. Adams brought up Harry’s recent work issues.

“Harry, we’ve noticed you’ve been missing deadlines and coming in late. And we’re a business… If you know what I mean,” Mr. Adams said.

Harry, trying to lighten the mood, joked, “So, you plan to let your best game developer go?”

Mr. Adams, also Harry’s friend, delivered news Harry wasn’t prepared for.

“I’m afraid, yes,” Mr. Adams replied seriously. “It’s out of my hands. I’ll give you good recommendations.”

“What? Please, don’t do this! I need this job for my kids.”

Mr. Adams remained silent, leading Harry to storm out in frustration. As he walked away, his phone rang. It was Sara.

“Sara?” Harry said, surprised.

“Harry, can we meet for a quick chat at five? At the café where we first…?” Sara asked.

At the café, Sara met with Harry to discuss their children. She revealed she had been in therapy and now wanted custody.

“Custody? How dare you? After you left us?” Harry fumed.

“Harry, I’m their mother. I have rights,” Sara insisted.

“You abandoned them, and now you want to take them away? They’re used to me now,” Harry argued.

Sara was determined. “I deserve to have them back. I’ll see you in court.”

Days later, Harry, now adept at managing household chores and balancing a new freelance gig, prepared breakfast for his sons.

“Daddy loves you,” he kissed them goodbye and dropped them at school before heading to the custody trial.

“Mr. Wills, can you please tell us about your attention to your family while you lived together with my client, Miss Sara?” Sara’s lawyer asked Harry.

“Well, I did my best to provide for my family. I worked long hours. Overtime sometimes. I kept myself busy because I wanted to make sure they had everything they needed,” Harry said.

“That’s what most responsible family men do, right?! And what about your wife’s ambitions? Did she want to build her own career?”

“Before we had our kids… Yes, she did want to work. But after that, she stayed home to look after the kids and the household.”

“Well, looking after the kids, the family, cooking, cleaning. So basically, your wife has been your cook, your children’s nanny, your well-wisher. And did you insult her, saying she did nothing at home?”

“I did. Yes, it was an outburst. I was late for the office and—”

“Mr. Wills, were you fired from your job? Why were you fired exactly?”

“Objection, Your Honor. This is irrelevant and immaterial to the case,” Harry’s lawyer rose.

“Objection overruled.”

“Thank you, Your Honor!” added Sara’s lawyer. “Mr. Wills, why were you fired from your job?”

After a momentous pause, Harry looked into Sara’s teary eyes and opened up. “Because I couldn’t balance my work and parental duties. I tried, but it was too much. But I didn’t give up. I would never give up on my kids. I love them.”

“Mr. Wills, how are you managing now? How do you intend to support your kids without a job?”

“I have a job. I can support them well.”

“Be specific, Mr. Wills. What job and what’s the salary?”

“It’s a part-time freelance gig. I’m a video editor.”

“Mr. Wills, I admire your confidence despite your climbing down the career ladder! I’m sure you make nothing like you used to in your previous job, right?” the lawyer added ironically. “A freelance job, low salary, and raising two kids in today’s economy. Well, that’s all, Your Honor.”

Sara was then called to the stand as Harry’s heart started pounding.

“Ms. Sara, can you please

tell the court why you left your house and your children?”

“Because I was fed up. I did everything, took care of the kids and the house, and my husband never noticed me. I loved him and the kids. But in that house, I was like a robot.”

“Ms. Sara, did you love your children?”

“Yes, I loved them. And I still do. But I can’t go back to that house. I want my kids to stay with me.”

“Ms. Sara, I appreciate your sincerity. And what exactly did you do during these five months?”

“I was in therapy. I wanted to feel better first before reuniting with my children.”

“And how exactly do you intend to support your children now?”

“I want to take up a job. I’m actively looking. I’m qualified and able to provide for them.”

“Alright. Thank you, Ms. Sara. That’s all, Your Honor.”

“Thank you, Counsel. Both parties have rested their case. This court is adjourned for deliberation and will reassemble tomorrow to deliver the verdict.”


“Harry,” Sara called out to him as they stepped out of the court.


“I know you still hate me for what I did. But I’m sorry. I just wanted to be happy. Our kids deserve happiness.”

“They do. They deserve both of us. And don’t think I’ll ever hate you. I’ve always loved you.”

“But Harry, I won’t come back to that house. Not for you, not for our kids.”

“I know. I want you to be happy. I’m sorry for being such a jerk.”

“Thanks, Harry. I appreciate your honesty. Good night.”


The following day, Harry and Sara returned to court to hear the final verdict.

“After hearing both sides, it is in the children’s best interests to live with their father, Harry Wills. Given the petitioner’s ability to provide stable housing, it is ordered that the children remain in their father’s custody.”

“Harry, the kids stay with you. But Ms. Sara will have visitation rights every weekend and holidays.”

The judge continued, “Ms. Sara, you’ve shown commitment to improving your health. However, stability is key for the children’s well-being, and Mr. Wills provides that currently. If you secure a stable job and residence, the court may revisit the custody arrangement. Both parties should prioritize the children’s best interests moving forward.”

The judge’s words left both Harry and Sara in a contemplative silence.

As they exited the courtroom, Harry approached Sara, his voice softening. “Sara, I want to make this work for the kids. We’ll figure out a way to co-parent and keep their lives as stable as possible.”

Sara nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and sadness. “Thank you, Harry. Let’s make sure they know they’re loved by both of us, no matter what.”

Over time, Harry and Sara learned to co-parent effectively, putting their children’s needs first. They communicated regularly, coordinated their schedules, and attended important events together. The boys thrived, surrounded by the love and support of both parents.

Though the wounds of their past never completely healed, Harry and Sara found a new kind of peace and understanding in their shared commitment to their children’s happiness. The journey wasn’t easy, but it taught them the true meaning of family and the importance of love, respect, and cooperation.

And so, they moved forward, not as a traditional family but as a united front, always putting their children’s well-being above all else.

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