A Heart Surgeon Taught A Harley Motorcycle Mechanic A Hard Lesson

There are going to be separations that are experienced from one culture to another.

This can even be the same in the same culture, as there may be class distinctions that exist because of status or even the type of career you choose.

When those separations break down and we are able to get to know someone that we may not otherwise know, it can sometimes produce humorous consequences.

That is what is experienced in the following joke, when a heart surgeon stops by a mechanics shop.

What would you ask a heart surgeon if you had the opportunity? That is what one mechanic had on his mind, but he had the opportunity to ask whatever he wanted. Enjoy the ride and the laugh at the end.

A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop.

The surgeon was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike when the mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?”

The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the motorcycle.

The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag, and asked, “So, Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix ’em, put ’em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?”

The surgeon paused, smiled, leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic,

“Try doing it with the engine running.”

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