Teacher pads her retirement by living peaceful life in quiet tiny home she built for $30k

When the time finally comes for someone to retire, we often think they’d be free from corporate obligations. Little do we know, there’s a lot more to think about once a person retires.

There’s the fear of not getting enough retirement benefits, financial stability, where will their retirement home be, and a bunch more.

These things were just some of the dilemmas this woman went through.


Following her separation from her husband, Brigitte needed a new place to call home.

She visited her friend’s house and stumbled upon a book about small, cozy homes.

Upon browsing through it just once, she felt an undeniable pull toward making this her future.

Time to step out of her comfort zone.


Despite having no prior experience in building homes, Brigitte remained determined to figure it out.

As news spread within her community, kind-hearted individuals came forward to support her.

A friend offered up an old trailer as the foundation for her new home, and another connected her with a skilled builder who eagerly joined the project.


For nearly a year, they worked together tirelessly, teaching Brigitte all the ins and outs of constructing a tiny home.

End of an old chapter and beginning of a new one.

Once her home was complete, Brigitte felt a sense of readiness to move in.


As a retiree, she custom-designed her tiny house to match her interests and lifestyle.

Entering the living space, one is greeted with an expansive area that defies the typical notion of a small home.

There’s a comfortable sofa that doubles as a guest bed and a keyboard tucked neatly under the table.


A charming sleeping loft above the kitchen and living room adds to the sense of openness.

Closer to nature and away from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Brigitte carefully positioned most of her windows to overlook her breathtaking garden and the distant mountains.


Her home is intentionally minimalist. Instead of relying on running water, she collects water in jugs and buckets from a nearby spigot – a routine she finds grounding and reminiscent of her upbringing.

For bathing, she ingeniously uses an outdoor bucket shower in the warmer months, and during winter, she doesn’t mind paying a small fee for showers at the local swimming pool.

Getting around is effortless for her, thanks to her electric bike with a handy basket on the back, which she uses to buy only what she needs in town.

Her garden provides an abundance of fresh produce in warmer months, while preserved foods sustain her through the winter.


Surprisingly, Brigitte’s entire tiny home project cost around $30,000. She pays a reasonable $300 monthly fee for her property, covering both internet and electricity.

Brigitte’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration for anyone considering simplifying and transforming their way of life.

Someone who saw her journey online shared her own experience that’s pretty similar to Brigitte’s.


“Hello my retired friend, I feel how you feel. I was born in 1964 in Maine, and my family had a house with no running water, it wasn’t a problem for us. We survived and yes it made us respect more. We had an outdoor toilet- composting and hauled water as well. I am glad I was raised the way I was, I love helping others and doing for myself. You have a gorgeous home and you seem very happy. That’s what life is about, being happy within yourself and with others. Thanks for sharing.”

Sometimes, you just have to be ready and brave through life’s storm just like what Brigitte did.

Learn more about this beautiful and inspiring story by watching the video below.

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