10 Symptoms That May Reveal Health Problems

1. Dark circles-Dark circles come from lifestyle issues: not getting enough sleep or an unhealthy lifestyle.-

2. Yellowing of the skin-The yellow color on the skin or eye whites is a common skin symptom of liver issues. Go see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent serious health complications.

-3. Finger pain-Thickened fingers can reveal health problems related to lungs, kidneys, or breast cancer. If you experience swelling on your fingers, go see a doctor ASAP!-

4. Women’s hair growth in unusual places-Unusual hair growth around the chin or above the lips can be a symptom of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome: when ovaries grow because of a hormonal imbalance.-

5. A pimple that doesn’t heal in time-If a pimple stays there for weeks, it might be a sign of basal cell carcinoma. Get it checked out.-

6. Eyebrows getting thinner-Thinning eyebrows can be a sign of hypothyroidism. You might want to go have that check-up now.-7. Acne on the jawline area-Acnes along the jawline or in the chin can say a lot of a hormonal imbalance.-

8. Thickening/Darkening of the skin-Thickened or darkened skin may be a sign of insulin resistance. This might lead to type 2 diabetes.-

9. Black lines/ spots on nails-Dark vertical lines can be a sign of melanoma unless you might have hurt your finger somewhere.

10. A scalloped tongue-A scalloped tongue means that it’s becoming larger than the lower jaw. This condition is caused by swelling. Swelling may happen from many things. For example, you have eaten salty food often.

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